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This course is specially designed for the Indian youth who enter the business environment or job with their required knowledge and skill but lack key competencies such as key soft skills and the ingredients to excel and grow in their career.  This course will be suitable also for those who are aiming to join any organisation and wanted to equip themselves with the necessary soft skills. On the concept of Smart Learning for Smart Youth, this e-learning initiative aims at sharpening the Indian youths’ to excel in their career as well. 

Independent Thinking

This module covers the following key topics: 

  • Defining the core problem, 
  • Learning to remove clutters, 
  • Checking the correctness of a solution, 
  • Creative thinking, 
  • Outcome-based thinking approach, 
  • Barriers to critical thinking, 
  • 5 critical thinking types, 
  • Types of thinking patterns

Problem Solving

This module covers the following key topics:

  • The root cause analysis, 
  • Analysing the problem effectively, 
  • Analysing solution fitment,
  •  Common problems in excelling at your career, 
  • Attributes of an effective problem solver, 
  • Choosing the right problem-solving technique!
  • Creative thinking techniques, 
  • Sharpening your problem-solving abilities.

Decision Making

This module covers the following key topics: 

  • Challenges Problems with in effective decision making,
  •  Information & decision making,
  • The cost-benefit analysis technique for decision making,
  •  Decision Tree Analysis, 
  • Pareto Analysis, 
  • Grid Analysis Technique, 
  • Coping up with wrong decisions, 
  • The Ishikawa diagram, 
  • The 5 WHY approach technique, 
  • Using the decision matrix analysis. 

Team Player

This module covers the following key topics: 

  • Effective teamwork!, 
  • Qualities of a team player, 
  • Roles played by team members, 
  • Effective communication for team effectiveness, 
  • Team conflicts: Know their types, 
  • Key sources of team conflicts, 
  • Team effectiveness & knowledge sharing, 
  • Working with a diverse culture, 
  • Common team blunders & pitfalls, 
  • Enhancing the team spirit.


This module covers the following key topics: 

  • Issues with non – adaptability, 
  • Adapting to change: An organisational perspective 
  • Anticipating change Obstacles to adapting,
  •  Action planning & adaptability,
  •  Positive thinking,
  • Adapting to a new job,
  •  Adaptability and career excellence,
  •  Continuous learning and adaptability.

Work with Diversity

This module covers the following key topics: 

  • Elements of workplace diversity
  • Benefits of workplace diversity
  • Respecting other cultures
  • Adapting to a new culture
  • Different people have different approaches
  • Challenges of working in cross-cultural group
  • Managing conflicts
  • Managing your boss
  • Work-life balance

Customer Service

This module covers the following key topics: 

  • Knowing your customers, 
  • What do unhappy customers do?
  • Customer service & customer satisfaction, 
  • Different types of customers, 
  • Customer Orientation!, 
  • Challenges in meeting customer needs, 
  • Various channels of customer communication, 
  • Customer communication process, 
  • Advantages of excellent customer service. 

Attention to Details & Quality

This module covers the following key topics: 

  • Quality & its determinants
  • Quality improvement: Steps
  • Giving attention to detail
  • Evaluate: Product & Service quality
  • Quality management tools
  • Quality of design & Quality of performance
  • World-renowned quality certifications
  • TQM: Basics
  • Six Sigma: Fundamentals
  • ISO: Principles