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This course is specially designed for the Indian youth who enter the business environment or job with their required knowledge and skill but lack key competencies such as soft skills and the key ingredients to excel in their job.  This course will be suitable also for those who are aiming to join any organisation and wanted to equip themselves with the necessary soft skills. On the concept of Smart Learning for Smart Youth, this e-learning initiative aims at sharpening the Indian youths’ to excel not only in their personal but also in professional life. 

Creative Thinking

This course comprises of the following six modules: Be creative and think globally: This will enhance the creative and innovating instinct within an individual.

Critical Judgement

To exercise critical judgment (Decision Making): The learner will know how to source the right information, make effective decisions, make critical judgments and manage decision making risks.

Lifelong Learning

Committed to lifelong learning (Lifelong Learning): The learner will understand about discovering the knowledge and skill gap, creating a learning plan and searching for suitable learning options.

Planning Personal & Professional Goal

Able to plan personal and professional goals (Goal Setting): The learner will also understand how to create and track the action plan for achieving set goals. 

Time Management

Able to manage his own time (Time Management): The learner will know about the common time wasters and will also check if they waste time. The learners will understand how to prioritize tasks, schedule a day effectively and avoid procrastination. 

Effective Communication Skills

Be a good communicator (Effective Communication Skills): The learner will know how to listen effectively, make presentations, build rapport with others, articulate well and finally deal with communication barriers.